Florida’s Health Battle heats up

As if the US State of Florida didn’t have enough problems, what with coastline erosion and all that, it has now become the epicentre of of a mighty battle over public health, and who calls the shots over what is, and is not, scientific evidence. [1] This is how the two sides square up, according to Richard Luscombe of The Guardian

In the Red corner: Dr Joseph Lapado [2] Florida’s Surgeon General, whose principle back is State Governor Ron Di Santis, who, as older readers will recall, is a former Next President of the United States of America. In the Blue corner, most of what passes for orthodox medical and scientific opinion. And, before you take sides, gentle readers, note this. Dr Lapado is no unqualified quack, but an eminently learned and trained medical doctor. Who, as an immigrant from Nigeria had no doubt to fight more than his fair share of of prejudice before finding his way to a well-deserved place at the top. The trouble is that some of his opinions, are to say the least, controversial. As our sources report, huge storms are now swirling around his recommendations in matters concerning masks, vaccines the use of various medical and public health literature sources, and certain treatment methods [3] The outcome of many is still unresolved, we hasten to add. But, with Big Ron in your corner, does any of this matter? Everyone has a right to their opinion, as they say; maybe Dr Lapado’s is as good as anyone else’s?

The trouble with opinions is that they get get tested in fact. Now an outbreak of measles among the unvaccinated burghers of Florida is testing Dr Lapado’s practices and beliefs to destruction. And it’s not just matters of Life and Death, it’s more important than that. Florida’s economy depends more than most on tourism and real estate, and the guardians of that economy are beginning to realise this, as Richard notes:

Come for the Sunshine, Leave With the Measles, opined the Orlando Sentinel; “Measles? So On-brand for Florida’s Descent Into the 1950s”, was the take of the Tampa Bay Times.

Only time will tell who is correct, Dr Lapado or his detractors. . But we close with this thought. For a long time now- ten, twenty years-everyone has loudly, aggressively proclaimed their right to hold opinions Fair enough; but they cannot all be right. The one that really was right all along only emerges with the tests of fact and experience. Until they come along, a little humility might be in order for all of us. Otherwise that test might be very painful indeed.




# joseph lapado #ron di santis #vaccination #measles #florida #public health #empiricism#measles

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