An apology to Dr Joseph Ladapo,and all our readers: now, will our staff please come in from the car park?

Today we published a blog which discussed the controversies around Dr Joseph Ladapo, [1]the Surgeon General of the State of Florida. We hope that the report was fair to both sides. Unfortunately, we committed one unforgiveable error. We got the name of poor Dr Ladapo slightly wrong, spelling it, for the most part, as Dr Lapado. We hope this oversight, this careless Spoonerism, will not cause unnecessary distress or anguish to Dr Ladapo, and undertake to be more careful in future. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there.

Upon learning of this very understandable error, nearly all the staff have walked out. They now occupy a position roughly between the car park and George Street. Moreover some reckless spirits among them have raised vulgar and garish placards, bearing simplistic slogans like: NO MORE MISTAKES AT LSS WE WANT TO WORK FOR A REPUTABLE BOSS and even PAY RISE NOW . This has excited unfavourable and ribald comments from passers by and has brought the company’s reputation even lower in Croydon. And it wasn’t very high after the Christmas Party.

Okay we’re sorry. It was the Board that got it wrong, not any of you lot. We know we’re paid a lot more than most of you, but that is the market rate for Company Directors. Obviously it’s very different to that for an average worker in ,say, IT, HR, telephone sales, or even comparable professions like nurses, teachers and delivery drivers. And the reason people like us get a lot more is because of the heavy burden of responsibilities we carry as the Directorial Classes. And this would be the same if we worked in, let’s see, a water company, the :Post Office or in a large Private bank, for example. And it’s because of all that work that mistakes creep in, like the one we made today. But look, you’ve made your point. Maybe we can look at new drinks machines and new chairs and tables. Maybe more money could be found to fix that leak in the third floor kitchen. But please come in. Please come back to work. We promise not to do it again. And be kinder and more considerate in the next pay round. Please?



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